Do you find yourself having no motivation to exercise? We’ve all been there…saying “I’ll do the workout later” but never actually doing it. Getting up to workout may be difficult at first because it takes a lot of willpower and motivation to get moving and be active.
Don’t fret! In the spirit of cultivating a healthier lifestyle, we’ll give you some reasons why you should start being active!
1) Lowers the risk of chronic diseases
Just by exercising, you can lower your risk of contracting a myriad of chronic diseases – diabetes, heart disease and obesity to name a few. These chronic diseases are more often than not, consequences of a sedentary lifestyle.
Exercise helps to control blood glucose, blood pressure and lower bad cholesterol. The risk of contracting chronic diseases are higher when you have an unhealthy diet too.
2) Better brain function
Do you find yourself having difficulty thinking or absorbing information when you’re studying? Are you stressed from constant hustling at work?
When you exercise, more blood flows to your brain, providing a higher amount of oxygen and nutrients to your brain. These nutrients released can be in the form of nourishing brain proteins which help to keep the brain healthy and promote the formation of new neurons, which are the nerves that make up your brain. Therefore, your overall brain health can be better in the long run just by exercise!
Moreover, when you exercise, cognitive function improves due to the hippocampus – the part of the brain responsible for cognitive function – enlarging. This can lower the risk of dementia and improve your mental abilities by boosting long-term and short-term memory.
3) Burn those cals!
Fun fact: when you breathe out during exercise, it could be your body fat leaving your body! While exercising, your body metabolises fat and it leaves the body as carbon dioxide.
Fat cells in your body also travels to your muscles and shrinks during exercise, allowing you to keep a healthy weight. So, the next time you go for a run and breathe heavily, motivate yourself by knowing that you’re breathing out your body fat!
4) Improve your mood
Physical activity improves our emotional and psychological wellbeing. Research has shown that exercise is a natural stress reliever. Exercising releases endorphins which are happy chemicals that help to lift up your mood due to their exultant effect.
Tips to start getting active!
Fitting physical activity into your daily routine may be difficult at first - impart these handy tips to make it part of your lifestyle!
Start Small
You can make small changes to your daily routine to be more active. For example, you can take the stairs instead of the lift when returning home from a trip to the market, or even walk to nearby destinations instead of taking transport there. These small changes can be imparted to your daily lives and will benefit you in the long run!
Plan Ahead
Schedule workouts and physical activities ahead of time so that you can fit it into your busy schedule! Doing so regularly helps to make physical activities part of your lifestyle.
Gradually Increasing Intensity
You can start your fitness journey by starting with low intensity exercises such as walking or swimming leisurely in the pool. Over time, you can progress to high intensity workouts and increase the frequency of physical activity a week. It is recommended that you achieve at least 150 minutes of exercise a week to have an active lifestyle!
What are you waiting for? Get your workout done today!
Doyle, H. H. & Weaver, E. A., 2019. How Does Exercise Affect The Brain?. [Online] Available at:
HealthHub, 2021. “I Have No Motivation to Exercise!”. [Online] Available at:
National Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion , 2020. Physical Activity Prevents Chronic Disease. [Online] Available at: